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Tying the Knot During the Pandemic: Planning a Safe Wedding

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Your wedding is the best day of your life as a couple because finally, you will face everything together. This will also be the start of your family life. Couples who scheduled their weddings pre-pandemic now face the dilemma of whether to push through with their weddings, considering the public health restrictions, physical distancing rules, and limited in-person attendance or seating capacity.

Many changes happened, and events were postponed. But now that the restrictions are slightly easing, the events can push through. Still, all the guests have to follow the safety protocols strictly. It has been a challenge to plan your perfect wedding day because many rules have to be followed during the pandemic.

Here are some protocols your guests have to follow on your wedding day:

Pre-event Protocols

Part of this is sending out invites. There is a limited number of guests that you could invite, and you have to let others know that you have to follow protocol. You have to lower your expectations in terms of the number of guests. It would be best to tell your guests to wear masks, especially at the wedding venue.

Micro-weddings have become a trend where only a few people are invited and will be allowed to enter the venue. Aside from the smaller number of people, these guests should at least take an antigen test.

Extra precautions should be exercised for the guests, planners, and staff who will cater to the event. Some brides still prefer their gowns made by a famous bridal dressmaker, but others choose to buy ready-made bridal gowns. The same also happens with the bridal entourage. The guests are also interviewed before the event, and their level of comfort is listed. All the directions that will occur during the wedding are recorded and applied on the wedding day. These weddings during the pandemic are more creative and more budget-friendly.

people at a wedding

Protocols During the Event

Most brides have chosen to walk alone down the aisle. Some entourage members also decided to walk alone without an escort beside them, and then they were seated six feet apart from other guests. The position of the bride and the groom and the others are also following the declared social distancing protocol. Hair and make-up artists are required to wear masks and gloves while they do their job. A limited number of people can help the bride and groom get ready for their special day. Guests are also prompted to a temperature check upon arrival at the venue. Extra masks and sanitizers are offered in the venue for added security measures.

Some weddings opted for live online streaming, especially for those guests who prefer to stay at home. They are sent the live feed link and will watch the wedding video in real time. In case a guest chooses to attend the wedding, they will be required to wear a face mask during the ceremony. Children and senior citizens are not allowed in some venues as they risk acquiring the virus. The venues inform the guests that they are following the strict protocols from the CDC and the local government.

Some venues may require guests to submit a swab test result before attending the event. They may also require proof of vaccination during the event, but this is optional in some venues. Reception areas only require a certain number of people. And servers are ordered to wear masks and sometimes even gloves. The seating arrangement follows the six-foot apart social distancing protocol, so every table may only have three to four guests at once. Guests may remove their masks as they eat but are required to wear them again after.

Wedding Reception Protocols

Most weddings during this pandemic are not as long as that celebrated pre-pandemic. Reception may only last for an hour or two because they have to clean up, sanitize, and disinfect the venue to cater to other events.

Aside from this, contact tracing is done by the venue or a third-party company. This makes sure that the guests will be informed if there will be a spread of the virus. All the guests and staff who attended the event are required, and their information is stored. They will be informed whether there is anyone who acquired the virus a few days later. Some even notify all attendees and staff that no one has been affected by the virus.

A wedding during this time is not the same as the ones celebrated before. Micro-weddings require a lower budget, creative freedom, and a smaller guest list. This also means that the wedding preparation starts months ahead. Still, you can host the perfect wedding if everyone follows the health protocols.

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