people at an event

For First-time Planners: Organize an Event Like a Pro

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Planning an event, whether small or grand, indoor or outdoor, is a serious business. Especially because it involves many people. You need to have the proper skills to make the event a success.

Set a goal.

The first proper step to planning any event is defining the goal and why it’s happening. Many planners start in the middle without figuring out the vital details before anything else. It is guaranteed that setting the goals and the objectives for the up-occurring event will make the planning much easier and less stressful.


Once you’ve acknowledged the goals, you now want to know how you will achieve those goals.

For this, you need to have both viewpoints: from yourself, the planner, and the attendees. As the planner, you have the special abilities, keen eyes, and taste to execute how to make the event successful. As the planner, you also imagine yourself in the shoes of the comers, thinking of what they’ll enjoy.

Since it involves the audience, make the event interactive as well.

Think of every practical and essential matter.

Location and Permits: Is the venue accessible to all the people you’ve invited? If the event involves senior citizens or people with disabilities, have you thought of making the place accessible to them? With this, you have to consider their rights.

Have you thought of the parking areas around the event’s place? Is the place easy to locate? You should send the invitees a road map from several nearest landmarks to the actual location.

For an outdoor event, you must check all the local ordinances and procedures before choosing the place, especially if the venue you’ve chosen is government property.

Other important things are the emergency and curfew codes of the local area.

people seated at a conference

Comforts and Conveniences: Make sure that the place and environment are comfortable enough for the guests. Plan enough and extra seating and food. Rent water drinking stations, especially on hot days.

People need to pee or do number twos. Make sure the venue is near to available toilets. Alternatively, rent enough porta-potties and handwashing stations for a specific number of guests. Have extras because people will likely invite more people to the event unless it’s an exclusive one.

For an outside event, you obviously have to acknowledge the weather. If you rely on natural light, be certain that the event will be held on a sunny day. Put up enough roofing all over the venue for heat protection or if a surprise rain decided to join the party.

If the weather is warmer than expected, make sure that there are areas for guests to avoid the heat. You can set up a portable air conditioner for relief and comfort.

What about pest control? Insects or other pests can affect the atmosphere of the place. So you also have to plan that out too beforehand.

Power: Whether the occasion is having live performances, music, or a ceremony, you need a proper sound system throughout the venue. Prioritize the guests’ safety in case of any dysfunction. Any cabling must be clearly marked or placed under something to prevent tripping accidents.

Set up enough lighting, especially if the event takes place at sundown. Lighting for an outdoor event is a specialty job, so you want to hire a professional for that.

If you’re using a generator for your power source, confirm safety and power requirements with the venue. Everything must be weatherproof.

Communicate with the guests constantly.

Whether there is a crisis or none, tell the guests that everything is okay and hope for them a good time. Check up on them and assure them that they can approach you if they’ve noticed something concerning or if they have encountered any problems with the food or amenities.

Don’t forget to clean up.

When the event is over, it isn’t the end of your job yet. You must clean up everything before you leave the location. It is common courtesy and out of respect to leave the outdoor venue as it was before you used it.

Report any damages that may cause danger to others who might pass by, such as broken posts or those who want to use the place. Don’t forget to thank everyone who has helped you throughout the process of organizing the event.

No successful event is perfect. There will always be the next crisis after the other. But it doesn’t have to be extreme all the time. The important thing is, as the organizer, watch your composure and resilience to solve complications well.

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