Inexpensive and Fun Gifts Couples Can Get Each Other

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The time has come for you to pop the question. You are looking around for the perfect diamond engagement ring, but you’re worried that your girlfriend’s curious nature may ruin her own surprise. The best thing to throw her off the scent is to have a fun couple gift in reserve so that if she starts to seem suspicious, you can whip it out. Ladies love surprises, and she will assume she just sensed your attempt at giving her a surprise couples gift. This will make it all the sweeter when you pop the question on your special day.

These gift ideas are also great for couples thinking about getting serious with each other. These gifts do not require a great deal of financial investment and can be a fun way to share inside jokes or learn more about each other’s likes and dislikes. Learning a person’s reaction to fun or quirky gifts is a great way to know whether they have a good sense of humor. A relationship with someone who can take a joke is always more fun and relaxing than someone who may be too serious if you are a laid-back man.

Board Games

Several fun board games come in themes. You can find a board game that is Valentine’s themed or couple themed. There are plenty of indie game designers who sell their creations via Etsy and online stores.

Card Games

You could get a box of conversation cards and use this as a way to get to know each other better. You will be surprised by how time flies when you find the right conversation starter.

Alternatively, you could also get a card game like Cards Against Humanity which is a great way to spend time with your girlfriend and your mutual friends. With the right group of people, it can be hours of pure fun.

Online Video

There is a website called Cameo where you can pay a celebrity to send a special message to your loved one. This is a very quirky gift and would be a fantastic surprise that no one could guess was coming.

Personalize Her Favorite Wine

Buy a bottle of her favorite wine and have a special label made for it. Include a list of ingredients that list the moments you have shared, put a picture of the two of you on the front, and include a sweet message that expresses how you feel. This is the kind of gift that is always welcome.

woman holding a wine bottle

Make Her Soap

Sign up for a single weekend soap-making workshop and combine her favorite scents and flowers to make a specialized soap for her. She will be so surprised and touched that you took the time to make something for her with your own two hands.

Buy Her Socks

Socks are a fantastic quirky gift and much easier to buy than shoes. You can guess the sock size of a person much easier than their shoe size. You can get socks that represent TV series, cartoons, famous brands. All you have to do is choose the ones she would like best.

If you two are into hiking, then getting her a sturdy pair of warm socks would be very thoughtful. Get yourselves matching socks and invite her on a long romantic hike ending with a picnic. She will be over the moon about such a thoughtful gift.

Personalize a Cookbook

Collect her favorite recipes into a cookbook and have it professionally printed and bound. You can include recipes that you make which she enjoys as well. Consider including her parents to get this cookbook put together. Their input and any pictures they share will make the cookbook truly special. It will surely become one of her most highly cherished items.

Road Trip Kit

Pack a traveling bag with the essentials that you would need to take a road trip and present it to her. If you are getting serious with the girl, then a weekend road trip is a great way to see how compatible the two of you are when there is nothing to distract you from each other.

If you plan to propose, then a road trip is the best way to get her to the spot you want to propose in without her suspecting anything. She is sure to think that the road trip is the entire gift. Imagine her surprise when you turn it into one of the most significant trips of her life.

Whether you get her a star map of the sky on the night of your first date or a scratch-off world map to note all the places you will travel to with her, make sure it is something that reminds you of her. Inexpensive does not have to mean cheap. No matter how little something cost, if it is true to the person you love, then they will cherish it.

Not putting thought into a gift is what makes it cheap. An expensive crystal vase may seem like a good idea, but if she is allergic to cut flowers, all it does is show that you don’t know her. Gift-giving is a way to demonstrate to your special lady that everything about her is meaningful to you. That you know who she is, and you are paying attention. That’s all she really wants.

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