

Setting aside stereotypes, men and women have differing travel habits. Of course, these characteristics won’t apply to everyone, but it is no secret that the two sexes have major differences in their travel. With that in mind, both groups have bad travel habits that they are guilty of, and some habits might even overlap. In […]

man painting wall

If there’s anything worth making last, it’s the exterior walls of a home. Specifically, the paint job. Paint has been used to beautify a space ever since the dawn of time, as evidence by our ancestors 30,000 years ago. However, paint doesn’t just beautify a home; it can function as a form of protection for

man smiling

Did you know you can practice hip hop in your sixties and gain muscle in your seventies? Not only that, but any physical endeavor is possible regardless of age; the only prerequisite is excellent physical and mental health. Luckily, there are little-known secrets for guys to age like fine wine, allowing them to feel younger.

man adjusting dial in car

The future of the automotive industry is electric. In the future, cars powered by electricity, not petrol or diesel, will one day account for the majority of the vehicular traffic in roads around the world. It would not take too long, either. While electric cars are only a small percentage of vehicles on roads today

hotel bedroom

Summer is right around the corner, and with that comes the itch to satisfy your wanderlust. Perhaps, more than any travel before, hopping on a plane and reaching a tourist destination will feel so much more gratifying these days. After months and months of lockdown restrictions, Americans can largely breathe a sigh of relief. We’ve

group of friends working out

The term fitness might be something too overrated for most of us. But while there are already thousands of experts and resources discussing its importance, many individuals still ignore its value. Some think that this isn’t something to prioritize because they’re young and healthy. It’s time to change this mindset. The truth is, regardless of

traveling and eating together

Let’s face it: travelling has been considered a luxury for many individuals in the past year. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes to society, especially when it comes to travelling. But compared to last year, where restrictions for safety and health were quite strict, most countries are now on track towards a normal life.

at the airport

A lot of pundits point out aeroplanes are the main culprit in the spread of the virus. To some degree, it could be true. A recent study looked into air travel data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) linking commercial air travel and how it hastened the exportation of the virus. Though no major conclusions were made, the

couple traveling together

They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Indeed, it would seem that the male and the female in the animal kingdom behave differently. But it’s not as simple as you think with humans. While differences in size and anatomy stand out between men and women, experts argue these are not as


A vacation is a wonderful way to release stress and begin recovering from the incredibly tough pressures that the pandemic put upon us all. Now that the time when we will be past all this is sooner than later, we can begin planning for trips to shake the cobwebs off. It is still best to

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