
ill couple

Before you think it, no, this doesn’t even cover things that you can pick up or transfer through intimate means. Often, it’s par for the course that couples spend many hours together and often find themselves in the same dwelling. That increases even more for those that are already at the point where they live […]


There’s nothing more annoying than having dry skin. We spend lots of money on clothes, beauty products, and trips to the salon, but seeing our dull complexion in the mirror can put a damper on our day. While dry skin may not seem that serious a medical condition compared to psoriasis or eczema, it still


Although most processed foods are quite unhealthy, the real truth is that not all of them are made equal. Some of them are actually quite good for you, both in terms of convenience and nutrition. Processed food isn’t just limited to soft drinks, instant ramen, and chips. Even meat and poultry go through several food and meat

Home spa

Cutting and styling your hair can be a hit-and-miss process if you have little to no experience. However, it can be a potential money-saver, especially if you change your hair frequently. If you want to delve into the art of being your own hairstylist, here are some tools that you need to set up your

MRI scan

Many people have to get an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to diagnose a disease or give a doctor a close look into an injury. However, the thought of going inside the machine, which is big and noisy, can stir fear among patients of any age. Kids, especially, might grow anxious over going through it since

eco friendly life

As the effects of climate change become more devastating and frequent, it’s high time to start thinking about how much your actions impact the planet. If you want to begin doing your part in saving the environment, a simple place to start would be with your beauty regimen. Makeup packaging accounts for over a third


Although technology and industrialization have made our daily lives a lot more convenient, it’s also made the atmosphere incredibly polluted. Pollution brings with it tons of health complications, particularly lung and respiratory issues like asthma and lung cancer. It also compromises your lung capacity. Unfortunately, the need for stronger lungs has never been more necessary

woman having a coffee break

People have different meanings when asked what a good life is. Others will say a good life meant having a healthy and happy life. Some will say it means having no worries, especially financial issues plaguing your mind. For others, it is about living a meaningful and successful life and being able to cope with


Hangovers are one of those things you regret when you experience nausea, headaches, and excessive thirst in the morning. But it doesn’t stop people from imbibing copious amounts of alcohol the night before. Will power flies out the window, and the hours blur into disjointed memories. You’re nursing a drink on the first hour, showing

woman having a coffee break

Boundaries. It has a negative ring to it, don’t you think? We hear the word used in derogatory statements most of the time, like “boundaries please,” or something of the sort. But the negative connotation associated with boundaries should not be the case. In fact, boundaries are healthy and vital for us to live fulfilling and

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