
pregnant woman

The human body is known for adapting to a myriad of different environments. Whether we live in the city, in the countryside, or on a tropical island that’s a far cry from civilization, our bodies are known for being resilient by adapting to different environmental changes. Of course, our body also gets stressed out when […]

man doing push ups

If losing weight was simple, there wouldn’t be more than six hundred and fifty million obese adults worldwide. Giving up on old habits is hard but necessary if you want to lose weight. It is often the small things that lead to weight gain. But, we can make small changes to our lifestyle and stop

woman jogging

After staying within the confines of our home for most of the past year, we’ve grown accustomed to replacing outdoor activities with indoor or semi-outdoor ones. We continued our love for shopping online, we realized most jobs could be done outside an office, and we looked for activities to stay entertained in the middle of

the northern lights above a house

We almost always have the sun rising above us, except for winter. However, don’t consider this as a frightful season that ruins your plans and mope. Prepare for the coming season by having a bucket list of all the fun activities you can take. When the weather outside is freezing cold, we can either stay

elton john

When we suffer from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and/or addictions, we feel that the whole world is against us. When we hit rock bottom, we feel that we’re beyond help. There are countless options for help; we know that. There are families and friends to turn to. There are professionals to set up appointments with.

yoga pose

Thanks to the coronavirus crisis, we are more stressed than ever. Some of us have never feared for our and our loved ones’ health and safety as we do now. Many are anxious to go out, get their groceries, or even run other important errands. We fear that a simple trip to the supermarket or

Shot glass with car keys and handcuffs

In the U.S., substance abuse disorder is common in young adults and can bring long-term risks. Research shows that about two-thirds of 12th graders have tried alcohol, while around half of 9th through 12th-grade students have used marijuana. Among 12th grade students, close to 2 in 10 reported using prescription medicine without a prescription. While substance misuse is

temperature control system

Do you know that the color blue, especially in the idiom “feel blue,” always associated with a relaxed or sad mood? On the other side, it is also associated with winter or cold temperatures. Meanwhile, red is the exact opposite of the previous color. Often, it is associated with high spirits or aggressiveness. Red is

person with good posture using a computer

Everybody has specific health goals they wish to achieve within a stipulated time. These goals can vary from getting into a gym membership, starting a business, and quitting habits such as smoking and drinking. These goals are beneficial to your life, and you need to take steps to achieve them. But did you know that


Humans are naturally social and usually rely on other people to maintain their emotional and mental health. Some of the best individuals that can give you these much-needed health benefits are your friends. Just like how disability benefits can help those in need, inviting your friends to spend quality time together can positively impact your life

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