Starting a new relationship can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. During normal times, the dates and the getting-to-know-you stage can either be delightful or downright stressful. Under the pandemic, dating can even be more of a chore since you can’t really go out. It does appear that the pandemic came […]
Everyone may have a different definition of a ‘good life,’ but to improve life, focusing on one principle at a time until you understand each one to a deeper level is the key to succeeding. Don’t wish for your destination to arrive sooner. Instead, forego the journey one step a time. Whatever your definition of
The pandemic has pushed all the normal activities inside homes. People continue their work and try to grasp at any sense of normalcy by conducting their schedules and tasks regularly. People look to doing any home or self-improvement to prevent being stir-crazy inside during quarantine. Boredom and uncertainty are all that are in people’s minds right now.
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, our top priority was to stay healthy and safe. We wore face masks and gloves at all times. We doused our hands with sanitisers every few minutes. We obsessively cleaned the house. But there’s one thing that we embraced and practised as much as possible: social distancing. And
If there’s one thing people can learn from Bojack Horseman, it’s the significance of healing. Bojack Horseman, the Netflix Original series, created the most human characters out of animals. In this universe, humans and animal-human hybrids coexist. One of these hybrids is Bojack, a half-man half-horse, struggling with substance abuse. He’s supposed to be the
Weddings are expensive; everybody knows that. An average wedding costs around $20,000 to $50,000, depending on what state you’re living in. But do you really have to spend this much on your wedding? Believe me, when I say that you can still have an amazing wedding without breaking the bank. Here’s how you can save
Sharing a home with your significant other is often a big step in any relationship. Moving in together brings about many changes in a relationship, both good and bad. But just like any other significant part of life, we’re willing to take the risk if it means a chance at long-term happiness. Even if you
As a millennial, dating can be such a pain. It’s a constant battle with us, jerks, and heartbreak. We had to deal with extreme cases of nerves. We also worry about embarrassing ourselves. But the odd thing is that we keep doing it anyway. Why is that? Well, there’s nothing like the thrill of meeting