home renovation

Scheduling Your Renovation: Making Sure You Time It Right

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As a homeowner, you want your home at its best. This is where renovations and upgrades come in. But doing everything all at once is not the best approach if you want to fix up your house. Proper scheduling is critical if you want to maximize your time and budget. Here are some practical renovations and when to do them:

Kitchen Renovations

Your kitchen is the busiest part of the house, and you want it to be able to handle the load. Renovating and upgrading it is often a top priority. Spring and fall are the usual renovation periods for interior rooms. But the best time for your kitchen upgrade is summer.

For one, summer is the off-season for kitchen contractors. They are usually booked full for spring and fall construction, so use this to your advantage. Summer is also often the time when your house is empty, with vacations and many people going outdoors. Finally, summer is a bright and dry season, allowing natural ventilation and lighting for the project.

Roof Repairs

If your roof needs updating, roof installers recommend it during summer. It is understandable since there is less chance of rain suddenly disrupting the project. But the main reason that roofing projects happen in the summer months is that some roofing materials need high temperatures to dry quickly.

However, the heat does mean that workers will not be able to be working all day. They will have to take breaks during the hottest times to avoid heatstroke. This is peak roofing time, so you might want to reserve roofing contractors months ahead so that you can be sure that you have the people for the job.

Fix Your Air Conditioning

air conditioning repair

Summers can get hot nowadays, so air conditioning is a must. If you have plans for upgrading or installing a new AC unit, the ideal time is fall. The fall season is right after the summer rush, and many air-conditioning specialists will see their work taper off as winter approaches. This ensures that you will be able to fit in their schedule. Additionally, the early installation will ensure that your AC units will be ready for the arrival of spring and the increase of temperatures.

Expanding Outdoors

If you plant to build decks, patios, or even full extensions of your house, then spring is the perfect time for it. Most of these projects require digging and excavation. With soft spring soil, the job is much easier. Also, when the additions are done, they are perfectly timed for enjoying the summer and fall months. Spring is a popular time for any type of construction, so you might have to schedule a contractor months earlier.

Proper Timing

You can do renovations throughout the year. The critical thing to remember is that some parts of your home are not that much in use in particular parts of the year. This makes it ideal for them to undergo any repairs or upgrades. With the right scheduling, your home can be fully renovated in a single year.

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