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Focusing on Your Overall Wellness While in Quarantine

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The coronavirus has changed many things over the course of one year. Many have no choice but to completely change their way of life to adapt to this so-called “new normal.”But if we look on the bright side, we can use this so much time in our hands to improve ourselves and focus on our health and wellness. There are still many things that we can do to make the most out of life despite the threat of the pandemic.

Build New Skills

Now is the perfect time to hone your skills or completely learn new ones. You can be home tuition while taking online classes in your local community college. There are tons of new things that you can learn, like a foreign language, cooking or baking, arts and crafts, and skills that will make you more employable during and after the pandemic. Some of the most in-demand skills nowadays are:

  • Digital Marketing — many huge companies and small-scale businesses are now shifting from traditional media to online-based advertisements. Since many people are now more focused on their devices while at home, there is a demand for people that are capable of creating and designing online marketing campaigns
  • Computer Repair — electronic gadgets are now the primary tool used in business and education. People will need services that will help them in case their computers break down.
  • Emergency Response — there are online courses and private institutions that offer courses about emergency response. You can choose between healthcare and medical courses or security-related training.

Develop an Exercise Routine

The pandemic disrupted the flow of our lives. There are some routines that we used to have that we can not do anymore, like exercising outdoors or going to the gym. However, there are still many ways for you to focus on your physical health, even while staying at home for the whole day.

You won’t necessarily need a personal trainer since there are many self-help videos on the internet, particularly on YouTube. You can start by having a fixed time every day, like 30 minutes, and add more time as you continue. What’s important is that you have a dedicated time each day to exercise. You can try doing lunges, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, burpees, planks, and jumping jacks.

woman meditating

Relax Your Body and Mind

Being stuck at home for a long period can cause sadness, anxiety, and depression. That’s why your mental health is just as important as your physical health. While it can be relaxing to binge-watch your favorite Netflix show for hours straight, experts say that it will be more beneficial for your health if you can get at least seven to eight hours of sleep at night. When you are deprived of sleep, your immune system gets weak, making you at risk of viruses like influenza.

Another way for you to relax your mind is to practice yoga. Generally speaking, yoga is a combination of physical poses, relaxation, meditation, and heavy breathing. It can help lower down blood pressure and reduce anxiety as well as stress.

Remove Clutter

You might be thinking that cleaning has nothing to do with wellness and self-improvement. The truth is, being surrounded by clutter and chaos can affect our physical and mental health. In a study, people who perceived their abodes as cluttered experience high levels of stress hormones, while those who live in organized spaces feel relaxed.

But when do you know that your stuff is already too much? As mentioned above, you can indicate that the level of clutter is already alarming when it’s causing you stress and disrupting your everyday life. If the pile of random things surrounding you makes you and your family agitated, then it’s about time to clean up.

Rearrange Your Home

Before, it was easy to leave our home and travel anytime we feel like we want to experience something new. But now, we have no choice but to stay inside our homes. Psychiatrists say that the act of rearranging a piece of furniture or redecorating a space can give a person an instant feeling of satisfaction and a sense of effectiveness.

Seeing the same things over and over can affect our mental health. That’s why our minds and bodies need a break from the monotony of everyday life. You can begin by doing small tasks like rearranging your living room or organizing your pantry.

Another part of the house that you can focus on is your bedroom. You can reposition your bed, put on fresh sheets and change the curtains. If you want a major change, you can design an outdoor landscape or hire remodeling contractors that can help you change the interior or exterior of your home whichever way you please.

Isolation can get the best of us, and that’s what we want to avoid as much as possible. We need to put effort into keeping ourselves both physically and mentally healthy. The best is yet to come, and this is the perfect time to focus on what matters the most: yourself.

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