couple unpacking at their new house

The Millenial’s Guide to Moving in Together

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Moving in together is a huge step for young couples. There’s a pretty big difference between just spending the weekends or holidays together and actually being together full-time. One of the most enjoyable aspects of finally living with your significant other is looking at the place you’ve got and deciding how the two (or however many of you there are, it’s 2020) of you will spruce the place up.

Whether you’ve decided on a full-on house in the suburbs or an apartment in the city, a bit of interior decorating goes a long way. Here are some ideas to get you started on making that house a home.


It’s important that when you get started you and your partner decide on a few colors you both like. As pretty as rainbows are, it’s better to decide on a fairly limited palette that’s nice and flexible. Talk to your partner and decide what theme you guys both like. Some people like muted grays combined with warm woods, and some like pastel colors that can really brighten a space up.

In either case, having a coherent theme to your colors can really pull a space together and make it look great. Then, once you’ve got everything laid out you can even figure out if you want to get pieces of furniture that stand out from your palette to give the spaces that they’re in that extra sense of je nais sais quois. If you’re not too sure about how to go about any of this, there’s plenty of references available on websites like Pinterest that can help you figure out what you like and what to go for.

Plush It Up!

One of the most, if not THE most, important rooms in your house is the bedroom. You’re going to be spending so much time in there that it’s worth splurging a teensy bit to make sure that it’s nice. There are lots of little things you can get for the bedroom that can help you and your partner settle in.

If you live somewhere cold (or have air conditioning installed) maybe you’d be interested in trying new kinds of bedding or pillows to see where your tastes really lay. Some people who try weighted blankets or memory foam pillows never go back to using alternatives because they feel that those kinds of things really suit them and really help them feel comfortable in bed.

Moving in with Partner

Protect Your Privacy

It’s nice to have lots of natural light coming in through the window, but you and your partner will need some privacy too. It’s worth investing in a good set of stylish window shades and other treatments. If you go for blinds, its worth getting a nice sturdy set that accent the room well since they’ll most likely be permanent fixtures. But if you go for shades then it might be nice to get a few sets that color coordinate so that you can swap them out when you need to clean them.

The most important reason to get good treatments, aside from keeping out light when you’re feeling particularly hungover, is to protect your home from prying eyes. While it might be nice to be able to see the great outdoors all the time, leaving your windows exposed can let passing opportunists know what you’ve got at home and could make you a target for less than savory individuals.

Prioritize, Prioritize

Unless you’re moving in together later in life when you’re more established, chances are you and your partner won’t have too much extra cash to spare on expensive decor or appliances. But that’s okay, if you just prioritize the most important things to have in your home, like your basic kitchenware, and are smart about where you buy them, then you shouldn’t have too much of a problem furnishing your home.

Go to garage sales, hunt on Ebay or the Facebook Marketplace for good deals on secondhand stuff, just be careful of who you deal with. Furnishing your home doesn’t have to happen all at once. Patience is a virtue and taking your time to slowly piece together your place will really help you save money and ensure that you get the best things for your home and your aesthetic.


While having tasteful color-coordinated furniture and coherent color schemes is great, what really turns a house into a home is the little touches. Small things like random knick-knacks and pictures can serve as great conversation starters when you’ve got guests over and really help your home feel lived in.

Without little homey touches like this it can be really easy for your house or apartment to feel more like a hotel room or an AirBnB than a permanent home. Being able to make your house not just a place to live but a record of your lives and relationships is key to making your space feel warm and familiar.

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