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The Joys of Craftsmanship

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For many of us, arts and crafts are a form of recreational activity. It’s what we do when we want to take our minds off of work. When we think of those things, especially craftsmanship, we think of doing fun activities such as knitting and scrapbooking. We think of the crafting table we have at home. It’s where we retreat to after a long day and we want to unwind. But for some people, craftsmanship is their work. It’s the embodiment of their passions.

Technology has been taking over work and productivity for years. It’s been changing the dynamics of what we’re used to. AI software and heavy machinery tend to take over seemingly menial and mundane tasks. Because of this, we forget that there’s value in exerting time and labor for such things. But the craftsmen understand that no level of technological advancement can change the appeal of handcrafted and timeless products. They know and understand the simple joys of creating something that’s born out of a keen eye and manual labor.

Types of Craftsmanship

Craftsmen are found across industries. They are found in construction and interior design. Think of the stained-glass windows in your house. Making glass in itself is already quite an arduous task. But add to that the carefully put together pieces of glass. No machine operated by AI could do that. Think as well your painted walls and tiled floors. Actual hands spent hours on end swiping their paintbrushes on the wall and sticking tiles on the floor. They use their hands and machines from Floorex Products to build fixtures and other intricate designs. Their work and craft bring to life the house of your dreams.

While craftsmen in construction handle heavy-duty labor, some of them handle smaller projects in industries such as fashion. Major fashion houses such as Chanel and Prada still produce their timeless products in almost the same process as decades ago. Jewelers, for example, are artisans that bring gems, silver, and gold to life. Together with them in fashion are the makers who create designer shoes, bags, and other accessories.

Some might say that the work process of craftsmen is outdated and inefficient. It wastes labor and resources. They may also argue that some forms of technology are more beneficial to the productivity of a business. But craftsmen understand that there are some things that technology can’t give them.

Complete Control

To craftsmen, the important thing in their work process is the complete sense of control. And because of that control, they’re able to create things as they imagined it. They can ensure that their products are as elegant and functional as they want them to be. Take, for example, the makers of ballet pointe shoes. In the New York City Ballet, each pair of shoes are designed and crafted to fit the dancer’s needs. The makers of the shoes take note if a certain dancer needs to have longer laces, wider soles, etc. They make sure that each dancer feels good about their shoes. The goal is to make sure that they are equipped and ready for their performance.

Time Away from Technology

Working on craftsmanship projects guarantees time away from smartphones, TVs, and computers. Everyone knows that social media can be toxic and tiring. It’s never good for our mental health to be too focused on it all day. So craftsmen have the luxury of being away from technology for most of the day.

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Pride and Recognition

This is perhaps the most significant benefit that craftsmen have. They get to see their creations bring joy and functionality to their customers. Take, for example, jewelry and other accessories. In the British Royal Family, it’s tradition to pass down jewelry, especially engagement rings, through generations. When Prince Philip proposed to Queen Elizabeth II, he gave her a ring that has diamonds that came from the tiara of his mother, Princess Andrew of Greece. Even to this day, Queen Elizabeth II still wears this ring. It symbolizes her relationship with her husband and his family.

Think of the craftsman who made that tiara, and then the one who made that ring. They had a hand in something that the queen valued. Nothing else could compare to that pride and joy.

Craftsmen are found in countless other lines of work. They play and innovate with basic materials such as glass, ceramic, and wood. They spend hours of labor to build one thing. It’s hard work. It takes so much time. And they usually work in solitude. But then, it doesn’t matter because, in the end, nothing could truly compare their work.

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