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The Best Small Business Ideas for Couples

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Mixing business with your loved one might seem like a big mistake, but it could just be the thing that brings you closer together. After all, there are tons of couples that prove that the love of your life can be your lifelong business partner too. The following are some interesting small business ideas to get you and your partner started on your entrepreneurial journey as a couple.

E-commerce Retailers

Do you and your partner have a passion for creative projects? Then you should consider launching your very own e-commerce business. All you’ll need is a flair for arts and crafts and a little help from a production partner. If you want to make little souvenirs or toys, you’ll need to work with a business that offers plastic molding manufacturing. If you’re thinking of designing a clothing line, you should look into garment manufacturing. There’s a market and a service for just about anything you want to produce.

Couples Coaching

If you and your partner have been together for a while now, you can use your years of experience as a couple to your advantage by offering couples counseling services. Younger couples will definitely want to know how to weather the difficulties of marriage from people who have been through it all and come out the other side stronger than ever.

Food Catering Services

Whether you’re both home cooks or seasoned chefs, a food catering service is an excellent business venture to consider starting. It’s a type of business that you definitely need an extra pair of hands for since it’s not all about cooking. You’ll also require someone to be in charge of customer service and marketing.

Fitness Classes

For gym rats and health buffs, a fitness business might be the right fit for you. You can offer group classes, personal training, and even online classes. As with the food catering business, one of you can be assigned to customer service and marketing, while the other does all the physical work. On the other hand, if each of you specialize in a specific area of fitness, then you can double your client base by teaching a variety of classes.



There are plenty of couples and families that have taken to YouTube to share their everyday lives and stories with millions of people. You and your partner could be one of them. Over the years, video-sharing platforms have become a major source of income for many creative people. If both of you have got a knack for storytelling and content creation, this is the business to consider.


Turn your passion for photography into profit. If you enjoy taking photos together or of each other, you could make a living out of selling these photographs. You can also set up a business and offer your photography services to other people. There are plenty of people in need of professional photographers, from corporate businesses to schools and families. If you want to generate even more income, you could even expand your skillset to include videography and photo editing services.

Some things are just better done together. If you’re looking for something to do with your partner that’s challenging yet rewarding, look no further than these small business ideas to start your entrepreneurial journey together.

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