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Never Too Busy for the Kids: How to Make Time When You’re Busy

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Somebody once said that a day with your kids often seems pretty long while the years just seem to fly by.

One minute, you’re singing your 6-month-old baby to sleep, the next minute you’re seeing them off to college.

As parents, we sometimes focus on work and providing the best things that money can buy. But in our desire to give our children the good life — or at least a life that’s better than the one we had growing up — we unintentionally neglect them and shun them aside.

Several studies and child psychology experts have already proven that children spell “love” as T-I-M-E.

You may be wondering how you can possibly carve out extra time for them when you can’t even find enough time to squeeze in everything you have to do between your responsibilities at home and at work.

Time is a luxury that always seems to be in short supply. Or is it?

Making Time When There Seems to Be None

One of the things that children need is time with you. And by time we mean quality time. Your children understand that you’re busy. They’ve heard you say it over and over again.

All they want is to feel important to you, enough to be included in your schedule. No child should ever beg for a parent’s attention. You owe it to them to exert more effort in meeting this need. In fact, it is your duty.

More than providing for them financially and materially, it is also your responsibility to be present in their lives even if it’s hard. No one ever guaranteed that parenting is easy.

You have to be intentional. Set aside time for them and make the most out of it. Here are a few ways you can spend quality time with your children despite your busy schedule.

1. Uninterrupted, undivided time.

mom and daughter

Some regular one-on-one time with your child is not just beneficial for them, but it also does you plenty of good. Whether you go on a donut date or a play date at the park — whatever it is that you guys decide to do — your undivided time and attention matters to your child, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

2. Integrate time with them in your daily schedule.

Do your best to include time with them in your daily schedule. Wake up extra early and have breakfast with them before you head off to work. Tuck them to bed if you can’t tell them a bedtime story. Ask them to help you with the chores or have them accompany you on your errands. Include them in your schedule intentionally.

3. Make your presence felt.

We know that work and other adult responsibilities keep you busy and occupied. However, this is not an excuse to be an absentee parent. If there are times that you cannot be physically there, make your presence still felt by giving them a call, leaving them love notes on the fridge, or sending them text messages throughout the day.

Doing this communicates that despite your absence, you are thinking of them and are doing your best to connect with them despite the circumstances. But of course, it is still best to always be there for them physically.

If this article hit a little too close to home, you need to rethink your ways. Be honest with yourself about how much time you’ve been spending with your children recently. Immediately take action to rectify the situation. More than anything else, they need your time — they deserve your time.

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