floor installation

How to Prepare for Floor Installations at Home

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After browsing through the different carpet, hardware, or home stores in your area and choosing your new flooring to uplift your residence, you’ll need to prepare your house before hiring contract flooring services to have them installed. But you may wonder, how are you supposed to have your new floors installed without having to move your whole family out of the house?

To make it easier for you, here’s what you need to prepare your home when getting new floors.

Remove Breakable Items

Although this may seem easy when having new floors installed at home, it’s best to ensure you stashed away any valuables that can easily break before the floor installation date. Besides, the last thing you want is for the floor installers to be inside your home, preparing their tools, making heavy steps, and other actions that can shake your home’s walls and accidentally break family heirlooms or your favourite trinkets. So, ensure you remove glass frames, mirrors, or fragile paintings from your walls.

Moving and Storing Furniture

A problematic aspect whenever having floor installation projects at home is deciding where to move or store bulky furniture and other larger appliances. Although you can move these items from room to room, depending on where the floor installation is taking place, it can be tiring. That’s why the best options you have for furniture is by storing them in your garage or renting out a storage unit.

Placing your furniture inside a garage or shed only works if you have enough outdoor storage space. These additional spaces prove to be a fantastic makeshift home for these large items while you’re getting new floors installed inside your house. However, if you have the budget, renting a storage unit for a month is the best choice. These storage units are secure, convenient, and safe, allowing you to avoid tripping over furniture crammed into your home.

Clean All Floors Inside the House Beforehand

No matter what kind of flooring you’re getting and preparing for, you’ll want to minimise dust, mould, mildew, and other allergens from spreading around your house, while ensuring your new floorings aren’t covering up any old problems. Doing this can also improve the indoor air quality of your home.

Stock Up on Tarp and Tape

wooden floor

If you have chosen to have wooden floor installations, you can expect a lot of sanding to happen, which can cover your home with unwanted dust. You can minimise the spread of it by closing your doors and covering them with tarpaulin and masking tape. Having these items on-hand before installation can make the cleaning process after the floor installations easier.

Hire Professionals to Disconnect Electric and Gas Appliances

If you’re having your new flooring installed in rooms with gas appliances and fragile electronics such as the kitchen, you need to ensure they are disconnected or removed safely. Although you can do this on your own, if you’re not confident that you can dislodge these items safely, it’s best to hire professionals to disconnect the gas and electric appliances correctly, securely, and safely.

Finish Other Home Improvement Projects Beforehand

If you have any ongoing home remodelling projects such as painting, installing new wallpapers, or general repairs, finishing these tasks in advance will maintain your new flooring’s best condition.

Whether you have your eyes on luxurious hardwood flooring or plush carpets, the tips mentioned above can make it easier for you to plan for installing new flooring without having to move your family out.

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