Father and Son: Activities to Improve Your Relationship

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Getting your children off the couch is one of the hardest tasks you will have as a parent in this era. This is most especially true for the boys. In the age of video games and mobile phones, getting your son to even look at you is becoming harder. With the generation gap and communication barriers most parents face these days, connecting with your son seems almost impossible. But fret not, for you are not alone.

The dads of the world got your back, and they present you with eight of the most effective activities you can do to strengthen your bond with your son.

Learn In The Wildlands

  1. Go hunting and fishing

    First things first, you have to make sure your son is a willing participant in these activities. But don’t worry, the idea of hunting and turning his virtual adventure into life is promising enough to get his eyes off of the screen.

    Hunting is not only adrenaline-inducing but also quite a lesson. By hunting with your son, you can instill the importance of life at an early age. You can give your son a taste of power and reach him the responsibilities that come with it. If you add fishing to your itinerary, then you can also focus more on the importance of patience and tranquility.

  2. Camp out

    Cap the night off by camping out. Cooking what you’ve hunted and fished is the best part of the hunt. Sharing stories by the fire can also build good memories. And most importantly, teaching your son how to live in the wilds on his own is detrimental to his survival. Or maybe you’ve just watched too many dystopian films. Either way, it’s cool.

Get Your Hands Dirty

  1. Build a tree house

    Go traditional and instill the value of physical labor in your son’s mind. Building a tree house or even a land-bound shed can be a rewarding project for both of you. Give your son the chance to take pride in creating something he can call his own as early as possible.

    If he’s too young to handle a wrench, then you can let him handle the procurement. There are websites like bannersolutions.com that make it easier for everyone to get access to tools and materials needed in construction and rebuilding.

  2. Work on the car

    Just like building a tree house, getting greased up and working on the car with your son is also a rewarding activity that gives him wisdom.

    You won’t only be teaching your son a skill that he will most definitely need in the future, but you’re also embedding the value of hard physical labor in his core. Maybe that can ensure that he will treat everyone with respect. And isn’t that the least you could hope for?

Pick Up The Ball

  1. Play sports

    Playing a game of catch has been an American cliché for a lot of reasons. Any sport you choose will help strengthen your son’s coordination and balance. It can also help your son in improving his communication and social skills.

    And most importantly, you can establish a healthier relationship or even a friendship with your son by letting him know that you will always be there to catch whatever he throws and defend him whenever he fumbles.

    Who’s tearing up? You’re tearing up!

  2. Watch sports

    Playing sports can be seen by kids as just a game. To make sure your son knows what sports is about, introduce him to your favorite teams. Go out and expose him to the cheers of the crowd. This will ignite his competitive nature and help him get to a better place throughout the years.

    Teaching him the value of sportsmanship can also bear many fruits in his future, especially in his career.

Prepare Him For The World

  1. Grill that patty

    Among all the lessons your son needs to learn from you, cooking and self-defense are the two most important.

    Nothing beats a good barbecue on a summer day. From setting up the grill and starting the fire to basting and flipping the meat, impart your culinary wisdom to your son. And it’s not only about the food. Teaching your son how to grill is also accompanied by lessons on how to serve and the value of providing for your family. Something that every man should understand at an early age.

    It’s just like building his own tree house, except he can eat this afterward.

  2. Teach him self-defense

    Nothing instills discipline more than learning how to fight. Children who feel powerless as they grow up tend to overcompensate once they are of age. To avoid this problem and, of course, to help keep him safe, teach him how he can defend himself and the others around him.

    It’s crucial to let him know that what he’s learning isn’t something that should be used to harm others. Get your uncle Ben moment and tell him that with great power comes great responsibility.

The Bottom Line

You don’t even have to choose just one. All these activities could make up a good to-do list that you can check as the years go by. But most importantly, remember that no matter what activity you choose to do, the most crucial part here is having the time to spend with your family.

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