
solar panel for back up electricity

We use gadgets and devices that can help us through our daily tasks throughout most of our lives. Naturally, these devices need electricity to operate. Whether we use computers, smartphones, watching television, or turning our lights on at night, these devices use energy. In the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes to […]


Watching our parents grow old is not a pleasant experience. It all starts with agonizing joint aches, hunched postures, fading memory, and other problems. It gets to the point where the roles get reversed, and our parents who have cared for us since birth need to be cared for by us as they age. Although

elderly on a wheel chair

Life’s constant companion is change. It’s an inevitable factor in all facets of life – age, preferences, growth, and mobility. For seniors, losing the ability to do simple tasks such as walking to the park, driving themselves for their regular check-up, and even taking showers can be upsetting. What used to be a routine has

shoulder injection vaccination

Surviving a pandemic and getting vaccinated against it are probably your biggest achievements to date. They may have nothing to do with your career or finances, but last year, we learned that the little things we took for granted matter. Going out, working in the office, and running errands put structure in our lives more

Keeping your home neat and proper can be a daunting task if you own a lot of things and live a busy life. It may seem like projecting or procrastinating, but clutter is known to negatively affect your health. There are two kinds of clutter in your life: emotional and physical. Emotional clutter is the

induction cooktop

When COVID-19 became a pandemic, we were all forbidden to gather inside a closed room, especially if there is air conditioning. The air in a closed space doesn’t circulate freely, so it easily spreads viruses. Does that mean air conditioners are unsafe? Not necessarily, which is good news. In truth, all appliances can be unsafe

woman smiling

Skin disease is quite common in the US. Approximately one in three Americans have a skin disease. Some of it is purely from genetics and can happen at any point in your life, while some can gradually develop over time, depending on the person’s lifestyle. It can be quite challenging to treat these diseases. Especially


When you think of stress and burnout in the healthcare industry, physicians and specialists tend to come to mind. Paramedics, nurses, and surgeons, too. But there’s one more healthcare professional that can just be as stressed and burnt out as them: dentists. Dental professionals perceive their industry to be more stressful than other occupations. They


Turning 60 can signify a new beginning in your life. You are closing the chapter where you have been working so hard all your life and opening a new one where you have the freedom to relax and have fun. This change is exciting but can be a bit scary as well. You are now


When you need to stay fit and healthy, often you would concentrate on proper nutrition, diet, and physical exercises. A very few would bring in sound sleep to this list. It is not easy for everyone to sleep immediately after going to bed. Only a few are blessed with undisturbed sleeping hours. Many people get

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