

At least once in your life, you felt like you needed to go to the doctor to have a probable infection looked at. You set up an appointment with your physician, and you were right—you had an infection. It may be on any part of your body—but it’s completely mundane to get infections. We live […]

couple doing yoga

The couple that sweats together stays together, or so that’s how the saying goes. A lot of time we are stumped about where we want to go or what new experiences we are trying to seek. We even search on the internet for the activities we can do with our partners. Try as we might,

marriage miniature

Humans are naturally social creatures. We need other people to feel loved and enjoy a sense of belongingness. This is the reason why we crave the company of our friends, families, and colleagues. It is also one reason why we get into relationships and why most people tie the knot. But after the pandemic caused

climate change

It is no longer a question of when: climate change is happening, and its adverse consequences are already being felt all over the world. Scientists have been warning for decades that the planet’s rapid warming will lead to frequent and extreme weather conditions. Most governments and corporations ignored it and continued emitting greenhouse gases, which

Your teeth are your best friends. Without them, you couldn’t enjoy life’s greatest pleasure: food. You need to take good care of your teeth to make sure that they stay in good shape for as long as possible. Everyone knows that they need to keep good dental habits to maintain their chompers, but there are

yoga pose

Are you a regular gym-goer whose fitness goals usually rely on weights? We know how frustrating it is to not be able to do your workout. It’s not like everyone has gym equipment at home either. Fortunately, fitness goals don’t just have to be about how much you can deadlift or press. There are other

working out

There is still a wrong public perception that weightlifting is only done by people who want to bulk up. However, everyone, young or old and male or female, can benefit from adding strength training into their regular exercise routines. Weightlifting is known to make you stronger, enabling you to do more and enjoy life for

woman using facial wash

Your skin is the biggest organ on your body, and it’s the layer over everything else, so it’s an excellent measure to take care of it. Even if you don’t necessarily care about “aesthetics,” skin care is an essential part of taking care of yourself. If you have healthy skin, you’ll find that you generally feel

woman in the kitchen using laptop

No two persons are the same, in terms of personality, likes and dislikes, relationships, etc. Some singles are happy and content, while some feel lonely, miserable, and unhealthy. Some people in a relationship are stressed-out but financially stable, while others are happy despite them lacking in the financial department. Both singles and couples face unique

woman working

Adults often find themselves overwhelmed with a lot of things, from project deadlines to parenting responsibilities. They often find themselves spending most of their time trying to fulfill all their obligations. As a result, most of them get stuck with doing the same daily routines, which often consist of nothing but work and family. They

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