
couple during a sunset

We live in a generation where everything is instant. We’re surrounded by technological marvels that allow us to enjoy life more. Instant and Digital Years ago, you need to either place long distance calls or send telegrams to people in different parts of the world. Now you can easily talk to each other via video […]

person in city

Have you ever met someone that is so captivating, charming, funny, and intelligent? This does not have to be romantic, but you surely have encountered someone so interesting that you slightly wish you could be like them. It’s a secret wish that a lot of people have — to become more interesting. However, some end

sweet couple

They say that you will never truly know someone until you are living together. Some couples, because of the highs of the joys of their relationship, forget that moving in together is light years away from spending five hours every day. Sure, those five hours seem like five minutes. You can’t wait to see them

Let’s face it: everyone wants to age gracefully. A part of aging gracefully means that we will need to maintain healthy and glowing skin. But no matter how much we take care of our skin, there’s going to come a time when our skin will start having wrinkles and lines from the aging process. Biologically,

Bad Posture

Right after a hard day at work, sitting down is one of the best ways of relaxing, especially when you’ve been standing for hours, and you want to relax your muscles. However, sitting down for an extended period can have consequences, especially when it comes to our posture. However, it does have some effects on

happy couple

Some people — single or in a relationship — tend to think that couples should have a long list of things they have in common. If one is a gamer, they must only set their sights on someone who’s also a gamer. That’s likewise for tech geeks, bookworms, athletes, etc. But if you’ll only base

woman relaxing on the couch

You wake up in the morning, toast some bread, and prepare a mug of coffee. You sit down while waiting, and ask yourself if it’s going to be your morning routine for the rest of your life. On Saturdays, you sleep in and go out for lunch. In the afternoon, you bring your dirty clothes

frizzy hair

If someone’s inviting you on a date, it’s only appropriate that you make an excellent first impression with that person. But when you’re preparing for a date, you’re bound to run into some issues. That is especially true when it comes to maintaining your hair. Let’s face it: nobody wants to look like they just


The pandemic has disrupted the world. It’s taken a toll on lives and jobs and sent our economy into a recession from which we’re still recovering. And yet for a lot of people, the most significant impact will be personal. Our relationships, including the ability to meet new partners, can suffer much. Some couples don’t

couple on a date

Love is the greatest thing in the world; it makes us feel warm, fills us with happiness, and makes the world more colorful. And it comes to no surprise that many of us go on our fair share of dates, testing the waters and relationships. We all crave to love and be loved; that’s just

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