The Fountain of Youth: A Guide to a More Youthful Skin

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Let’s face it: everyone wants to age gracefully. A part of aging gracefully means that we will need to maintain healthy and glowing skin. But no matter how much we take care of our skin, there’s going to come a time when our skin will start having wrinkles and lines from the aging process.

Biologically, we are all unique in our own ways, and this has affected how we usually age. Although most of us know that age is just a number, the process of aging can still affect our body, especially our skin.

Glowing skin, even when you’re already passed the prime of your life, is a sign of good health. But there’s more to the skin than what meets the eye: maintaining your skin is also about knowing what your skin type is what are some pre-existing conditions that you have.

Since our skin is the biggest body part and is the first defense line against harmful elements, it’s only logical to ensure that our skin is healthy and protected.

Don’t worry; if you don’t know where to start with your skincare routine and what you can do to stop the aging process effectively, we’re here to hold your hand through some of the most intricate procedures that will ever grace your skin and body.

Stopping Aging in Its Tracks

Right off the bat, we want to let you know that there no medically-approved substance that has existed that will stop the process of aging. However, there are medical procedures and practices that you can do that will address the signs of aging.

Even though the signs of aging on the skin are superficial, aging can still affect different parts of the body, and it’s best not to neglect other parts of your body for the pursuit of having a clearer and younger skin.

Thread Lifting

One of the best ways of stopping aging in its tracks is by directly addressing the signs of aging on the skin. In most cases, loose facial skin is attributed to the aging process; thread listing is an excellent way of making subtle changes through only temporary sutures. The process will effectively remove wrinkled or loose skin by improving elasticity. Most of the surgical community will stitch up several areas that will “tighten” the skin.

Thread lifts are a delicate process and will sometimes need the expertise of someone who has extensive training. If you’re planning on becoming a practitioner in the art of making skin glow, there are several workshops that you can attend, such as the thread training workshops that will give you an inside look on thread lifting works.

Well-Balanced Diet

Go, grow, and let’s not forget glow foods are essential in ensuring that you have the right nutrients for your body. Certain nutrients and vitamins are known for improving skin elasticity and durability.

Mild Skincare Products

Compared to their more “intense” counterparts, milder skincare products are a better fit for skin that might become irritated by too many chemicals. In most cases, gentle skincare products are also a great way of moisturizing skin while also making it more elastic.

It’s important to remember that our skin will have its reaction to some substances. It’s best to consult with a dermatologist on what your skin is allergic to. While there are allergies that are just mild annoyances, some can cause severe health complications.

Avoid Drinking and Smoking

Excess drinking and smoking can often accelerate the aging process. Most studies have shown that drinking and smoking are linked with looking older than your actual age. In a literary journal published, drinking in moderation did not exhibit any changes to the aging process.

Still, quitting drinking and smoking can positively affect the body than just slowing down aging.


There are practically near-infinite ways of taking care of your skin. Although it might seem like the best way of taking care of your skin is through intricate beauty products and seemingly complex operations, it’s still important to remember the basics: keeping yourself hydrated, having a healthy lifestyle, and eating well.

Beauty is not just skin deep: our skin plays an integral part in protecting our body. Thus, healthy skin isn’t only young and “glowing”; having healthy skin means that it can be versatile in any situation. Still, taking care of your skin means that you’ll need to know your skin type, how it reacts to different products, proper skin care techniques, and understanding any health conditions that might affect it.

If you’re in doubt about what you can do for your skin, don’t hesitate to see a licensed professional dermatologist. There’s so much that you can learn about your skin, and knowing is half the battle!

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