having a quarrel

A Clash of Two Different Tastes: Avoiding a Lover’s Quarrel During the Construction of Your Dream Home

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If you think you and your spouse are a perfect match, wait until you build your dream home. You may just realize how different the two of you are, from your choices of structural materials to paint colors.

But a difference in aesthetics isn’t a bad thing. It shows your individuality, and gives you a chance to try combining different styles together.

Still, one spouse may get upset if their design preferences aren’t followed. This is usually the case when clear communication and honesty between the couple isn’t fully practiced during the construction.

To avoid quarrels, regard your dream home construction this way: If you married each other despite your differences, then surely you can make a marriage between your clashing styles, too.

That said, here’s everything you should do to avoid a sour journey to your dream home:

1. Make Your Plans Clear

Once the topic of your dream home is opened up, make your specifications known immediately. Do you want a modern farmhouse style, or a Scandinavian one? Get into detail, from exterior finishes to window placements to flooring materials.

Speaking up actually helps when your spouse doesn’t seem to know what he or she wants. The detailed description of your style can give them a defined idea. Even if they’re less forthcoming about it, they’ll surely get upset if they don’t get what they want, whatever that is. Hence, pique your spouse’s curiosity by mentioning specific styles, materials, and furnishings.

You can also browse for ideas together by looking at architectural and design magazines and websites. From there, list down your particulars, such as the color palette, materials, finishes, sizes, and etc. That way, you can create a shared vision and be contented.

2. Work with a Reputable Contractor

Search for reputable building contractors around your area that’s also a full-service contractor. Building contractors are highly knowledgeable about residential projects as well, from their years of experience and honed skills.

Working with such professionals is vital in making your vision a reality. They can recommend materials priced within your budget. This will be highly helpful in preventing fights about money, since costs are going to be a major issue in any construction project.

3. Stick to Your Plans

If you’ve already decided on hardwood floors, don’t suddenly decide to change it to carpet. It’ll certainly blow up the budget and stir a recipe for disaster. Construction projects are already stressful enough without major issues, so just imagine what a sudden change of heart will cause.

Hence, make a plan and stick to it. Your new idea can rest in the back burner for now. Maybe you can use it in a new project, like a nursery or home office.

4. Communicate Consistently


Communicate not just with your spouse, but also with your contractor and builders. Monitor the progress of the construction closely, and relay any issues you spot with the person accountable. Again, be clear with your words, and provide as much detail as you can. If you find that you haven’t decided on the finishes of a particular area yet, ask your spouse first what material do they like to install. Don’t just assume that they’ll be happy with wood, when tile is actually what they wanted.

5. Compromise

Compromising is probably the ultimate key to a sweet journey to your dream home. It’s your spouse’s home, too, so it would be unfair if only your preferences are taken into account.

Determine what you can let go while still in the planning process. For instance, if you want natural stone floors, but your spouse wants something less expensive, then consider agreeing on ceramic, which can mimic a natural stone’s look.

Once your home is finished, all the money and compromises will be worth it. So enjoy the journey, and make the destination sweeter.

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