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Modern Living: 8 Ways to Revamp Your Home

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The time everyone spent stuck at home over the last two years is by far longer than we’ve collectively spent indoors during the five years before the pandemic. This only means one thing. Everyone’s most probably gotten sick of their home.

Seeing the same stained walls and cracked floors every day can suck the life out of you. Being stuck at home is incredibly draining if you don’t like how your house looks. Nowadays, aesthetics is crucial in our mental health.

But what if there’s a way to take your house to another level and make every day feel like a staycation in a five-star hotel? With these eight easy-to-follow tips, modernizing your home can be a walk in the park.

Interior Lighting

  • Natural Light: Natural lighting is vital in modern architecture because it plays a crucial role in making the space appear bigger and accentuating the intricate details of the interior design. And most importantly, it helps in lifting one’s mood.Maximize natural lighting by getting skylights and large windows. Not only do these things add aesthetic value to your house, but they also help in warming and cooling the home, thus reducing energy costs.
  • Smart Lights: Invest in smart lights. Nothing screams modern more than lighting systems that can be turned on and off via mere voice commands. With smart lights, you can also change the hues, dim the lights, and set schedules for when they turn on and off on their own. Yes, they will make you feel like you’re Iron Man.

Plants and Architecture


  • Succulent Shelves: Succulents are perfect for your home. They purify the air, look really pleasing to the eyes, and don’t demand much from you. They’re like the trophy wives of the flora kingdom. And what do you do to trophies? You put them on shelves.  Placing wooden shelves on your walls can bring bare spaces to life without compromising convenience. You can put them around your entertainment system or near staircases. The idea is to choose a blank surface most people would just look past and let the plants do the magic.
  • Hanging Succulents on Stairs: A common misconception about succulents is that they are all cacti. Some succulents can grow long crawling stems while still being easily maintained. The string of bananas, string of pearls, elephant’s food, trailing jade, and dancing bones aren’t funky band names but ideal hanging succulents that you can consider getting. By placing these succulents on your staircase railings and letting them crawl and grow, you’re setting yourself to have a magical staircase straight out of fairy tales.

Contemporary Furniture

  • Minimalism-inspired Furniture: Modernizing your home through contemporary furniture designs can be a good twist since you’re actually going to live in your home and not just use it as a museum. This is where minimalism comes in. Minimalist furniture revolves around functionality and aesthetics. There is art in the expression “less is more.” Getting chairs that can also double as storage units makes you practical and fashionable in this era.
  • A Dash of Culture: your interior design is your house’s way of telling your story. So don’t forget to add culture. There are furniture stores that specialize in selling décor that boasts native designs from other countries. This could be an excellent way to work on your home’s personality and vibe. Your décor can be focused on countries you’ve been to or places you dream of visiting. Having the authenticity of these designs in your house can make you and your home look multi-dimensional and fascinating.

Glass and Spacing

  • Glass Panels and Partitions: Consider getting an open-plan interior design. With glass as your panels, you can maximize lighting and divide the portions of the house with as minimal space wasted as possible. Adding life-sized mirrors can also help since they can also make the rooms look bigger.
  • One-way Glass Walls: Once again, you can reap all the benefits of natural lighting with this. One-way glass is transparent on one side and reflective on the other. But don’t worry about privacy. There is a thin, barely visible metal coating on the surface of the exterior side that makes it impossible for people outside to see you. This can also be good for your security since you can easily see everything outside your house.

The Bottom Line

However you choose to revamp up your home, the important thing is to feel more comfortable living in it. Remember to be financially wise in making your decisions, but don’t forget home improvements are investments for your mental health. And that is priceless.

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