
7 Quick Ways to Calm Anxiety and Destress

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Sometimes we go through circumstances that put an emotional or mental strain on us leading to stress. Some signs of stress are headaches, chronic pain, acne, hair fall, insomnia, decreased energy, changes in appetite and even depression.

Too much stress that stays around for months can weaken your body and immune system, which can lead to burnout, and cause diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

If you’re feeling stressed out, don’t bottle it in.

Here are some things that you can do to calm your anxiety and reduce stress.

1. Identify What Stresses You Out

First, get to the bottom of what stresses you out. How do you react to stress? What triggers this reaction? Once you’ve determined the cause, it’s easier to find a solution.

You won’t be able to control everything that happens in your life, but you can remove the ones that you see you can change.

For example, if you’re having a difficult time going home late from work, ask to change your shift so that you can leave work earlier.

2. Jog or Take a Walk

When you do any kind of physical activity, your body releases endorphins which are chemicals that enhance your mood. Exercising or even just taking a 15-minute walk will not only help you relieve stress, but it will also help keep your mind and heart- healthy. If possible, jog or walk in an area where there aren’t a lot of people. You have to make sure that the location is safe and free from any form of virus.

3. Take a Warm Bath

A warm bath can help keep the muscles loose. Stress can cause the body to contract so it’s best to reverse the effects by either stretching or loosening up the muscles.

Stress can cause hair fall. Combat this by strengthening your hair with a relaxing anti hair fall shampoo. Exfoliating also helps in letting your skin and pores breathe by brushing off dead skin cells. This will help quicken the waste removal process using your lymph nodes.

Light a Scented Candle

Certain scented candles and oils can help reduce the feeling of anxiety and lift the mood. Our sense of smell has an incredible power to stimulate the part of our brain that’s connected to mood and memory. It can boost energy levels. Enhance mental clarity, and relieve stress/

Here’s a list of scented candles you can try to their effects on your mood:

  • White Sage – Enhances mood
  • Lavender – Relaxes body and mind
  • Orange – Decreases stress
  • Lemon – Enhances mood and clarity
  • Apple – Helps manage anxiety
  • Frankincense – Battles stress and alleviates anxiety
  1. Do Breathing Exercises

You’d be surprised how mindfulness in breathing can instantly destress your mind and body. Deep, slow, and even breathing has the power to decrease tension in your body. The best part is that you can do it anywhere. Here’s how.

  • 4-7-8 technique. Here, you have to inhale in four counts, then hold your breath for seven counts. To exhale, slowly let the air out of your mouth for eight counts.
  • Alternate nostril breathing. This involves covering one nostril and breathing through the other, alternating between nostrils in the same pattern.

Close your eyes and cover your right nostril with your finger. Inhale using only your left nostril. Let go of your right nostril, and cover your left nostril. Then, exhale through your right nostril. Inhale through that same nostril, then let go of your left nostril. Cover your right nostril and then exhale through your left nostril. Do 10 to 20 rounds of breathing. If you feel uncomfortable, then just pause and breathe as you normally do.

6. Do Visualization Exercises

Visualization exercises can easily lift your mood, relax your mind and drain away anxiety. To start, find a peaceful area or a quiet place where you can sit without being disturbed. Imagine a situation that makes you feel good, joyful, at peace, or happy. If it’s a person, imagine their face. If it’s a situation, replay that situation in your head. If it’s a place, like the beach, imagine yourself sitting by the beach.

Imagine a mental picture that helps you feel calm and happy. This will not only boost your mood, but it can help boost your confidence and motivate you as well.

7. Sleep

Finally, always get enough sleep. There are hundreds of different ways to destress, but sleep will always be an important component in helping you function properly even in stressful situations.

It helps you think quicker, move faster and cope with stressful situations better. Aim to get better sleep at night and avoid chemicals (such as caffeine) that will interfere with a good night’s sleep.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Help

Stress is a normal part of life. It’s a component needed to motivate us and help us aspire to get better. But, too much stress can affect your mental and physical health. You should go see a professional if you’re feeling drained, unwell, or “out of it” for more than a week.

It’s also important to have someone to talk to. If you find that stress is piling in and you need someone to talk to at the moment, confide with a close friend or a family member. It’s still better to talk to a doctor as they can diagnose our symptoms and give out the proper guidance.

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