wedding rings

Marriage Proposals: 4 Must-Do’s Before Popping the Question

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A marriage proposal marks a new chapter in your life as a couple. But figuring out the best way to pop the question is no easy feat. Make sure you go through these steps first before getting down on a bent knee.

Ask in-laws for their blessing

While it’s not a requirement, asking for your future in-laws’ blessing is always a nice gesture. It’s a sign of respect, and it proves that you’re willing to go the extra mile for their daughter.

Share the exciting news over dinner, or speak with them over the phone if they live far away. Begin with a sentence or two about your relationship with your partner, then explain why you think now is the right time to take things to the next level. Talk about your hopes and dreams as a couple, and how you plan to pursue then. Then end it by asking for their blessing.

Shop for the perfect ring

Aside from your budget, her lifestyle, personality, and daily activities should guide you in picking the right engagement ring.

Would she like something classic and elegant? Look at solitaires or rings that feature one center diamond. If she doesn’t mind extra sparkle, she might love a halo setting, where the center diamond is surrounded by a circle of diamonds to appear larger. If you’re looking for something more sentimental, personalized rings might do the trick.

rose gold wedding bands

Get an idea of what your partner likes by taking a peek at her jewelry box or asking her close friends for suggestions. Checking her jewelry will also help you identify her ring size. Most jewelers can also make a reasonable estimate based on your partner’s weight and height. Anyway, you can always resize if you got the wrong fit.

When shopping for a ring, always purchase from a store with trusted reviews and service. Remember, you only get to propose once. An engagement ring is not something you’d want to scrimp on.

Come up with a game plan

When it comes to wedding proposals, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Consider what your significant other would love. Does she prefer big parties to intimate moments? Find a place that means something to both of you, whether it’s the restaurant where you had your first date or just your go-to hang-out spot. You can even have family and friends share the moment.

Be creative with the way you propose, but ensure you have a plan in place. Think of every detail and have backup plans for worst-case scenarios. Ask help from friends, family members, and even professional planners if you can. You might also want to hire a professional photographer to document your special day.

Choose your words carefully

Planning your speech would give you more confidence when it’s time to say it. Adding a personal touch would make it more meaningful and memorable. You can reminisce about the moment you first met, your partner’s best qualities, or even trivial anecdotes about your relationship. Keep it sweet and short, and of course, don’t forget the “Will you marry me?” at the very end.

When it comes to proposals, don’t get so caught up in planning that you forget to enjoy the moment. Just trust your instincts. After all, there’s no one else who knows your partner more than you do.

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