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Damage Control: Elements to Keep Your Vehicle Safe From

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We often forget how cars can be sensitive to elements they’re exposed to because of how we perceive them to be. They can seem slick, sturdy, and unwieldy, but they can also break down, get battery issues, and flat tires, among other problems.

Just because your car is insured doesn’t mean you should loosen your efforts in preserving its quality. Investing in a place with sturdy garage doors and walls to park in is one of the best solutions to prolonging its life. Here are some issues you can experience with your car that’s constantly exposed to the elements.

When It Rains, It Pours

Did you know that rain weakens your car’s shiny exterior? If you think that rain is a free car wash, you’re wrong. As raindrops fall, they collect particles in the air, which may create acid rain. After the raindrops on your car dry, these particles stay on the surface, affecting its luster and paint.

Although one rainy night is not enough to cause this amount of damage,  it’s best to start putting your car away under a shade when not in use. Prolonged exposure to the rain, more than necessary, will slowly but surely affect its coat.

Not a Frosty Time

Snow is just frozen water. It can do its own share of damage just as the rain, just a little sneakier. The snow on your car can sneak its way into your interior, causing mats, seat covers, and more to get wet. It might not be damage that’s too hard to fix, but it’s an inconvenience anybody would like to avoid.

It’s not just the snow though, extremely low temperatures can affect your car’s battery too. The cold weather is capable of affecting the chemicals in your car’s battery. This is the reason why some vehicles stop being able to start in the winter. That’s something to watch out for. Store your car away from the snow as much as you can. Keep it cool and dry.

A Sunny Day’s Crime

If you need sunscreen, your car needs shade just as much. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause damage to your car’s paint. The sun’s UV rays contain properties that bleach your car’s coat. This can make your car look more worn out than you’d like.

Aside from that, the heat can blow your tires too. Car tires have a threshold temperature for heat, and when it gets past that, your tires can turn brittle and crack. Although driving on a hot day has a chance of doing that, do your part to reduce the risk when your car isn’t in use. Park it in a cool place away from the heat.

car in a snowy road

Bird Poop

You read that right—bird poop. You might think that these seemingly innocent droppings do not harm your car’s exterior. That all it takes is pointing the hose at it, and all of your problems wash away.

These droppings contain uric acid, which may erode your car’s paint. The next time you see droppings on your vehicle, wash them out as soon as you can. Better yet, you should park your car in a shaded area or your garage, so you don’t have to deal with it.

Dust and Debris

This might seem unavoidable, and it is, but you can still take some measures to limit your car’s exposure to them. In places where it’s incredibly dusty, dust and debris may find their way into the engine or interior of your vehicle. That can be a headache to clean. If you have nowhere to go, it’s best to keep your car sheltered.

Unexpected Flying Balls

Sometimes, accidents happen, just as an unexpected baseball can land on your hood. Kids can be playing catch on the next door. Who knows where their ball is going to land next. You can’t be on the lookout 24/7. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

You wouldn’t buy your car if you didn’t think it was sturdy enough, to begin with. But you have to know that whatever season, month, or time of the day it is, your car can take in some damage. It’s essential to put it in a safe place when you’re not using it.

Don’t become lax and decide to park out front when you have a perfectly functioning garage. Take that extra five minutes to park your car inside, and don’t forget to close your garage doors and gates. It’s the five minutes you can spare every day that can make your vehicle last five more years than it was made to.

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