
self care

A 2019 study by the National Health Council found that 133 million Americans are living with chronic illnesses or diseases, and they represent about 40 percent of the country’s total population. The same study projected that it would grow to about 157 million, with half of that number experiencing more than one condition. Chronic illnesses […]

people in rehab

Underestimating the seriousness of your situation by expecting a rehabilitation program would solve all of your difficulties is naive. It takes some time to go back to your old self before your addiction took over your life. However, you’ll find a slew of individuals eager to assist you as you adjust to life after treatment.

a couple

When it comes to finding success in romantic relationships, the advice we often hear is to look for the right person. While this is true and important, it’s just one-half of the equation. Often, who we are is just as important as the one we choose to be with, if not more important. What use is

man smiling

A man’s lifestyle changes as he gets older. It is especially true if he gets married and starts a family. Nevertheless, certain things influence his decisions based on the times in which he lives. Let us look at five of them. Health: Technology and Innovation Technology has always been a vital component in women’s health.

keeping employees healthy

Keeping your employees healthy is crucial to keeping them productive. Employers need to provide their employees with the resources they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and also create an environment that encourages workers not only to show up for work but to stay at work, too. Nowadays, a lot of employers are having problems

man loosing hair

Male pattern baldness is the gradual loss of hair on men’s scalps. Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, typically begins during adulthood in men, when their hormone levels change. Aside from the hormonal changes, genetic factors contribute to the likelihood of androgenetic alopecia. How can you tell if you have male pattern baldness?

man eating an apple

The great saying says physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Unfortunately, in the race for success, we often take our health and fitness for granted. We don’t consider the long-term consequences of our health-care neglect, which could be disastrous. It may be challenging to maintain stressful work life and fitness. However, we can at least

sitting on a bench

Seniors aging in place often live alone. They have no one they can rely on in case they need assistance tackling certain tasks. Some only need help to remind them to drink their medications or drive them to doctor’s appointments. Others require more specialized services like rehabilitation. They are now suffering certain conditions that render them

commercial kitchen

As a foodie, you can’t help but be inspired to put up your own small restaurant. After enjoying so much high-quality food, you’d want to serve some of your own, too. It’s going to be challenging, though. A commercial kitchen, whatever size it may be, is a restaurant’s command central. Often situated at the back,

man running

Staying fit and healthy is something that many men struggle with. Most men lead active lifestyles, which makes it more important for them to stay fit and healthy all the time. Health advice for men is different from health advice given to women. After all, men have a different lifestyle compared to women. However, despite

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