leaving house for holidays

5 Things to Do Before Leaving Home for the Holidays

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The holidays are the most awaited and exciting time of the year. We finally get to book that long-overdue vacation and celebrate it with the ones we love. However, according to weather forecasts, Americans need to brace for a colder winter season as La Niña is about to bring a wetter-than-average climate condition to most parts of the country.

Thus, if you aren’t fond of celebrating a white Christmas, you may be thinking of spending quality time with your family in warmer places. However, preparing for your winter getaway can be stressful, especially if you live in a snowstorm-prone area. Therefore, taking precautionary measures to safeguard your home before leaving is a must.

Do a General Cleaning

Nothing feels better than coming home to a clean house after spending a week-long vacation outstate. This will give you time to rest, unpack, and assess your home for areas that need attention. Moreover, cleaning will help you get rid of dust mites, toxic chemicals, rodents, and pest infestation, which can put you at high risk for poisoning, respiratory illnesses, and allergic reactions.

This will also address the issues early on and prevent possible structural damage and costly repairs. Start by mowing your grass lawn to encourage lush growth and pruning nearby trees to avoid accidents within your property. Next, move your outdoor furniture in your storage or garage units and invest in a sturdy cover to protect them from the harsh weather.

Look out for heavy snowstorm forecasts and check out commercial and residential snow removal services to help you with thick snow build-ups. This will save you time and stress, especially in managing your driveway while away and before your arrival. Furthermore, go over the crucial parts of your house and have them thoroughly cleaned.

If you will be away for quite a while, go over your refrigerator and check out perishable items. Avoid buying frozen goods and try to consume what you have before your trip to avoid coming home to rotten and stinky food. Moreover, if you have a chimney at home, consider dusting and capping it before your departure but leave a small passage enough for ventilation. This will prevent rain and snow from entering your home and causing dampness and molds issues later on.

Unplug Appliances

Unless you have a trusted friend or neighbor to look out for your home while you’re away, the last thing you want to worry about is a skyrocketing electric bill or a house fire due to unplugged devices. Thus, double-check your home and turn off all appliances that do not need power while you’re on vacation. This can range from your refrigerators, washing machines, television, and computers.

Furthermore, consider investing in the latest technology to help you adjust your thermostat settings remotely. This will help you come home and relax in a cozy house while saving on energy bills.

removing plugs

But Leave the Lights On

According to statistics, a burglary happens every 26 seconds, with more than one million cases each year, making it one of the most common crimes committed in the United States alone. Thus, it is only fitting that you safeguard your home to give you peace of mind while you enjoy your holidays.

One way to deter break-ins is by investing in motion sensor lights, solar panels, or a smart home security system. You may also opt to put them on a timer or have someone turn the switch to avoid incurring a high electricity cost. This will help scare burglars away as it creates the illusion that the home is occupied.

Don’t Tell Anyone About Your Trip

Moreover, avoid telling everyone the details of your vacation. While you can post your pictures on social media or inform your landlord, a trusted neighbor, or relatives about it, it’s best to keep sensitive information to yourself. This includes the day of your departure, who will be left at home, or the duration of your getaway.

Cancel Your Subscription

Consider canceling your regular deliveries and subscriptions to avoid them from piling up on your doorstep and attracting attention. Consider changing or adding locks to your doors and windows and double-check all entry points before you leave. Lastly, remember to leave your contact number to your trusted neighbor in case of any emergency.

Final Thoughts

Embarking on a sunny holiday with your loved ones is an exciting and memorable journey. However, nothing beats coming home to your safe space and relaxing in your own bed after a fun-filled adventure. Hence, make sure to prepare and follow your home preparation checklist before going away for the holidays.

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