masculine colors and textures

Masculine Colors and Textures for Your House

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One of the most important design decisions you can make for your home is how to decorate. Color and texture are two major factors that come into play when deciding on a new look. For some people, this means choosing feminine colors with soft textures, while others prefer masculine colors with rough textures. The best thing about these two different styles is that they offer something for everyone! Whether you’re looking for a new coffee table or just want to give your walls a new coat of paint, consider using masculine colors and textures to help transform your living space!

How can you make a masculine space feel inviting:

A masculine space can be a great place to relax and unwind, but it can also feel a little cold or uninviting. By adding some touches that make the space feel more inviting, you can help to create a more comfortable environment. Some simple ways to do this include adding some plants or fresh flowers, putting up some artwork or photos, or using soft materials like cashmere or wool. By adding these touches, you’ll help make the space feel more warm and welcoming, perfect for when you want to relax after a long day!

What color schemes work best for masculine spaces:

When you think of a masculine space, it may be easy to jump straight to black or gray. However, while these colors work well in a masculine space, they aren’t the only ones! In fact, there are plenty of different color schemes that can make a room feel more masculine. Some great examples include primarily dark colors like brown or green, primarily light colors like white or blue, and even primarily dull colors like orange, yellow, or red. What matters most is that you choose a color scheme that works well with your space!

How to incorporate masculine textures into your space:

When it comes to design, there are plenty of different textures that can be used to create a more functional or comfortable space. While it’s perfectly fine to choose textures like those used in hardwood flooring, this isn’t the only option! In fact, there are plenty of other options that can help your masculine room feel cozier and more inviting. Some good examples include plush carpets, cotton or silk sheets, and even metal accents or unfinished timber. The options are practically endless, so feel free to experiment!

masculine texture

What kind of furniture and accessories work well in a masculine space:

When it comes to furniture and accessories, there are plenty of different options that can help to create a masculine space. Some great examples include dark wood furniture, metal accents, and rough textures. If you’re looking for something that will really make your space stand out, consider adding a statement piece like an oversized armchair or a reclaimed timber coffee table. By choosing pieces that reflect your personal style, you’ll be able to create a space that is truly unique!

Can masculine spaces be used in other parts of the house, such as the bedroom or bathroom:

While masculine spaces are often used in the living room or den, they can also be used in other parts of the house. A great example is using a masculine space as a bedroom. This can be a great option for men who want a space that is all their own without worrying about incorporating too many feminine touches. When it comes to decorating a masculine bedroom, focus on using dark colors, rough textures, and metal accents. You can also add in some pieces of furniture like an armchair or a bed with a headboard. By keeping the design simple and streamlined, you’ll be able to create a bedroom that is both stylish and functional!

The same principles can be applied when decorating a masculine bathroom. While it can be tempting to incorporate more feminine touches, try to instead focus on using mostly masculine colors and textures. A great way to do this is by using dark tiles or black accents throughout the bathroom. Once you have chosen dark blue for the walls, install a dark shower curtain with matching tassels or knobs on the cabinet. Large mirrors and open shelving are also good options for helping to create an illusion of space. If possible, choose fixtures made from metal or glass; these will help make the bathroom feel more luxurious and modern.


Adding masculine colors and textures to your house can help create an environment that is both stylish and functional. While some people may be hesitant to add these elements to their home, doing so can help create a space that feels like it belongs to you and only you. Whether you’re looking for a new coffee table or just want to give your walls a fresh coat of paint, consider using masculine colors and textures to help transform your living space!

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