

Alcohol is widely available and more affordable than other substances. They can also be purchased legally by anyone of the legal drinking age. These factors contribute to the prevalence of alcohol abuse in the United States. A 2019 survey by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) revealed 14.5 million people age 12 […]

sewer cleaning

Clean water in the country is necessary for the public’s health. Having clean water requires much vigilance, though, because there are many possible sources of pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ineffective management of wastewater in urban, industrial, and agricultural areas results in the contamination or chemical pollution of water affecting hundreds of

home interior

If you’re always an anxious person, you may be tired of feeling intense nausea, the fear of making a connection, or having a hard tired focusing on getting things done. What sucks is, most people suffering from constant anxiety don’t even have an idea about what triggers it. The good news is, there are actually

woman jogging

As spring finally arrived, it’s time for you to get moving and go back on that healthy living habits you’ve probably lost during winter. This warmer weather certainly gives us more motivation for change — in our health and entire well-being. Whether it’s for your mental wellness, physical health, or social connections, springtime can absolutely

nurse resting

Frontline workers have become the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the global health crisis continues to overwhelm hospitals, medical facilities, entire healthcare systems, and other essential facilities, both medical professionals and essential workers are under immense pressure to safeguard people’s lives. With so much going on around us, it isn’t a surprise to see

Younger Looking Man

Although young boys would likely give anything to grow a couple of wispy hairs on their chins, they’ll probably be wishing for those days to go back after a decade or two. After graduating and beginning to work, real-world stresses can start to take a toll on one’s skin and overall looks surprisingly fast. It’s


There’s no denying that covid-19 has taken a toll on everyone’s finance, be it an individual or an entire country. Considering the USA alone, the GDP growth fell by an astonishing 31.4%. Even the unemployment hit 14.7%, the highest post World War II. If you are one of the victims who lost a job or


If you want to look good, you have to hit the gym, wear nice clothes, and take care of your skin. People always forget that the most important thing to do is to eat the right food. It’s not just about having the nicest body. It’s about taking care of how you look by eating

home workout concept

Working out for some people may be possible in any environment. Most people stick to the gym and call it a day. However, the different room temperatures you work out in can highly affect your body’s temperature as well as the effectiveness of your workout. The duration and intensity of your training are not the

sad woman

With the global health crisis still around with a surge of cases here and there, we should continue to follow health protocols despite citizens’ ongoing vaccination. We can never be too careful until we have eliminated the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 affects our overall well-being. It affects our physical, emotional, and mental state. Given this, we

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